Monthly Archives: February 2021

1 Peter 1:1-2

1 Peter 1:1-2

Verse 1

Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ

Peter was a notable leader among the first generation of Christians. When Peter introduced himself as an apostle, no-one questioned his credentials. He had an unquestioned authority that stemmed from his very close relationship with Jesus. He had been the leader among the group of disciples that travelled with Jesus throughout his earthly ministry, and a witness of the resurrection.

  • he experienced a miraculous catch of fish near the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee. Luke 5:4-10
  • he was the only one of the apostles to walk on water in the midst of a raging storm. Matthew 14:24-33
  • he was the first to confess Jesus as the Christ  Matthew 16:13-16
  • he was often the spokesman of the disciples. On one occasion he asked Jesus how often he should forgive a brother who had sinned against him.  Matthew 18:21-35
  • he was the only one of the apostles to openly and publicly deny knowing Jesus. Mark 14:72
  • Jesus warned Peter of this and told him that he would be restored. Luke 22:31-34
  • he received a personal visit from Jesus on the day of resurrection. Luke 24:33-34
  • he was personally restored to ministry by Jesus. John 21:15-19
  • he preached to the crowds on the Day of Pentecost Acts 2:14-36
  • he was one of the leaders of the first Jerusalem church and showed great courage in the face of opposition. Acts 4:1-13
To God’s elect

The word elect means chosen.  Peter was telling them that they were secure in God. They were believers, not by random chance, and not by a decision of their own will, but because God had chosen them.

  • Are we less prone to failure than Peter was?
  • Given our propensity to sin, why is it important to know that we have been chosen by God?
  • See also Ephesians 1:4-6
exiles scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia

Although Peter was writing to Gentile believers in his own time, he used a word that was usually used to describe the Jewish people [sojourners of the dispersion, NKJV]

Just as the Jews had been forced to leave their homeland hundreds of years before, and were scattered throughout the ancient world, so the first believers in Jesus were exiles, sojourners, scattered in little clusters in a sea of paganism.

  • Why does Peter choose to highlight this aspect of the experience of the first believers?
  • What significance does this have for us today?

Verse 2

chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father

See Ephesians 1:4, Romans 8:28-30. God knew you and chose you long before you were conscious of His purpose for your life.

  • When you grasp this truth, how does it affect your life?
through the sanctifying work of the Spirit

The word sanctify means set apart for special use – like your grandmother’s fine china. With all the emphasis on power and miracles in the charismatic movement, we sometimes forget that the Spirit’s first purpose is to make us holy.

to be obedient to Jesus Christ
  • Do you find it easy or difficult to be obedient to Jesus?
  • In your pursuit of obedience, what difference does it make that you are chosen by God?
  • What difference does it make when you are conscious of being led by the Spirit?
and sprinkled with his blood

From the Enduring Word commentary by David Guzik :

There were three circumstances in the Old Testament where blood was sprinkled on people.

The sprinkling of the blood of Jesus on us accomplishes the same things. First, a covenant is formed, then we are ordained as priests to Him, and finally we are cleansed from our corruption and sin. Each of these is ours through the work of Jesus on the cross.

Grace and peace be yours in abundance.

By the time Peter wrote his letter, this had become a standard greeting in Christian circles. Grace is God’s unmerited favour, bestowed on us freely.  It is by grace that we were chosen to belong to God.  Peace is more than the absence of strife. It is a sense of well-being anchored in the knowledge that our sins are forgiven, that we are loved by God, and that our future is secure in Him.

Since the Scriptures were written for us, not just for their original readers, in a sense this is a greeting from the apostle Peter to you and me. He is wishing us abundant grace and peace.

  • How does this leave you feeling?

Let’s thank God together for His great kindness.

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