Matthew 7:24-29

Building on the Rock
Matthew 7:24
Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them

James 1.22-25 provides an excellent commentary on doing the word.

  • Who are we fooling if we only listen to the word and do not seek to practice it? (James 1:22)
a wise man who built his house on the rock
  • Which is harder, to build a house on a foundation of rock, or in a broad sandy place (like a wadi)?
  • Sometimes the way of wisdom is harder than the way of foolishness.  But it leads to better results in the end.

St Georges Monastery in the wilderness of Judea. Built 4th century.

Matthew 7:25
it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock
  • What approach to God’s instruction leads to lasting fruit? ( James 1:25 )
Matthew 7:26
  • According to Jesus, what is the difference between a wise person and a foolish person?
  • Why is it easier to build a house in a wadi (sandy stream bed) than on a rocky place?

wadi   a valley, ravine, or channel that is dry except in the rainy season.  (Oxford Languages)

Matthew 7:27
  • what ultimate event is Jesus referring to here? Philippians 2:14-16
Matthew 7:28-29 – Jesus’ authority
    • What was it about Jesus’ teaching that drew this response from people?
    • What stands out for you about Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount?
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