Tag Archives: temptation

Notes on Samson (Judges 13-16)

Samson was supposed to be dedicated to purity but he flirted with impurity time after time, yet God used him on many occasions. The Lord was faithful to his covenant with Samson’s parents and did not remove His strength from Samson, despite Samson’s many poor and impulsive choices, until Samson broke the Nazirite vow and allowed his head to be shaved.

Samson is a type of the Son of Man sent to deliver God’s people, but he is an imperfect type. The Lord often uses impure and imperfect people to be the agents of his deliverance and his judgments.

His hair symbolized the power of the Holy Spirit that was upon his life. Samson was empowered by the Holy Spirit for mighty deeds but his ways were not led by the Spirit. The hair of the Son of Man’s head is pure white symbolizing purity and power combined. Both His ways and His deeds are of the Spirit.

As followers of Jesus in this age we are not to take vengeance on our personal enemies. We are to cultivate love towards them and seek their redemption that they may not be subject to the wrath to come. There is a difference between taking vengeance on our personal enemies and being used by God to take vengeance on God’s enemies. We are to cultivate purity of heart (which Samson did not do) so that we can see the difference between the two – between the soulish and the spiritual.

At the end of the age there will be a time of vengeance and it may be that some of God`s people will be called to be agents of that vengeance. Even now in this age there may be times when God`s people are entrusted with great authority and called to act as agents of judicial punishment. We are to do this in the fear of the Lord, cultivating tender and pure hearts so that we are not tempted to personal vengeance and so that impurity in other forms (lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, pride of life) does not make us subject to the predations of the enemy in our souls as Samson was.



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